Work With Us

Find your dream job at Pittwater House where there’s a variety of career opportunities, including teaching, nursing, IT, marketing, psychology and administration roles, to mention a few.

Professional development

Pittwater House is a vibrant learning community. The professional growth of teachers is supported through an ongoing cycle of reflection and goal setting, professional practice and learning and feedback. We offer a range of professional learning opportunities for teachers in order to meet their individual professional needs and the learning needs of students at the school.

In addition to a wide range of external professional learning opportunities, teachers are able to access NESA-accredited School Professional Learning sessions and a wide variety of practical workshops run by colleagues. Teachers meet in Professional Learning Groups twice a term to learn from and support each other in their professional growth. We also conduct:

  • a comprehensive program of Staff Induction
  • a mentoring program for Early Career teachers
  • a collaborative support group for those aspiring to leadership and
  • strong support system for teachers undergoing accreditation at both Proficient Teacher and Experienced Teacher.

A child safe environment

Pittwater House is a child safe environment. The safety, protection and wellbeing of all students and other children and young persons involved in activities at the School are of fundamental importance. The School actively promotes the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment in accordance with their legal obligations including the National Principals for Child Safe Organisations. The School’s Child Protection Policy is available to all existing staff via the policy handbook or via request.

Gender equity

Pittwater House is committed to gender pay equity and to gender equity in advancement and professional development. Pittwater House does not tolerate unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying.

All employees of Pittwater House are required to comply with the relevant Code of Conduct.

Our professional excellence programme

Our passionate teachers and staff are vital members of our community.

That's why the Pittwater House HEROIC Pathways demonstrates our focus on staff excellence and welfare, maintaining the best standards of practice and the highest levels of professionalism.

View all the benefits that can be found by working at Pittwater House.

Professional Pathways
* Professional Scholarships

* Higher Accreditation Mentoring

* Aspiring Leadership Development, Coaching and Mentoring

* Professional Learning Program Aligned to APSTs

* Professional Personal Growth (PPG)

* Professional Learning Committee (PLC)
Holisitic Health
* Staff Wellbeing Team

* Flu Shots and Skin Checks

* Pool Onsite and Beach Access Within 1km

* Healthy Homemade Catering Onsite

* Resilience Project

* Access EAP
- Confidential Counselling for staff and their families
- Wellbeing Check-ins
- Professions support with goal setting, communication, managing stress, parenting, work/life effectiveness, relationships, and financial and legal concerns
Happy People
* Induction and Ongoing Support

* No Saturday Sport Commitments

* Oval View Cafe Onsite

* Recognition and Celebration of Staff Achievements

* Positive Classroom Practices Workshops

* Book Club

* Social Club
The Pittwater House Difference
* Substantially Discounted Staff Fees for Children

* Individualised Superannuation and Health Fund Support

* Out Of School Hours Care for Staff Children

* Competitive Salaries

* Pre-service Teaching Pathway

* Innovative Deep Learning Model

* Salary Sacrificing

* Smaller Class Sizes