Enriching the standard curriculum to unlock their full potential
We empower our students using four academic advantages:
- Our Deep Learning framework
- An individualised teaching approach in small class sizes
- Outstanding teachers who participate in consistent professional development
- Our unique twin schooling structure.
Deep Learning: Transforming students into lifelong learners
At Pittwater House, we use a globally-renowned teaching method called 'Deep Learning'. This teacher-framed, student-led approach enables our dedicated teachers to act as learning agents, empowering students to embrace a proactive approach to their education through inquiry and problem-solving.
Using Deep Learning, we don't just teach; we inspire! This transformative method allows us to precisely assess where each student stands in their learning journey and unlock their true potential. Anchored by six essential competencies, we cultivate these skills in our students, igniting a path of progressive learning.
Integrating academic prowess with personal and social capabilities, these competencies equip students for success both inside and outside the classroom. Experience the transformative power of Deep Learning, enabling our students to excel in their learning journey and thrive in life.

An individualised approach
We maintain small class sizes and a student:teacher ratio of just 9.9, ensuring each individual is seen, known and cared for.
That way, we develop a true understanding of each and every student's ability, talents and needs, meaning that every child gets exceptional care and attention from their teachers, who are able to tailor teaching to the needs of individual students.
This approach applies to students at all points on the learning continuum - from high potential students to diverse learners and all students in between.
Excellence in teaching
Our passionate teachers are vital members of our community, so we focus on staff excellence and welfare, to maintain the best standards of practice and the highest levels of professionalism.
Our teaching staff work in a collaborative inquiry cycle - an evidence-based approach that provides them with the structure to plan, design, implement and reflect on what went well and what could work even better next time. This inspires new thinking, which builds a strong culture of professional learning.
With ongoing Professional Development days for staff, we support a performance development culture where opportunities to seek higher levels of accreditation are provided, and outcomes acknowledged.
These opportunities are supported by professional partnerships with renowned educational leaders, such as Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn and Pasi Sahlberg.
Unlocking academic success: Tailored learning experiences for boys and girls
Our unique twin schooling structure tailors innovative learning experiences to engage the hearts and minds of our young men and women.
We understand that there are differences in the way male and female students prefer to learn and interact. That's why we use best practice strategies to educate them in a way that draws on their strengths and preferences whilst supporting their socio-emotional growth.
We've seen this approach greatly benefit our students academically and improve their approach to learning.
“More than ever, there is a need for schools to bolster the curriculum with deeper, student-centred learning approaches that optimise engagement at school, and real-world application in life. Our Deep Learning framework achieves just that. ”