Our curriculum pushes the boundaries of your child’s academic abilities while helping them grow into independent learners capable of creative and critical thinking.
Your child can choose from a wide variety of electives while still completing the NSW Education Standards Authority's (NESA's) curriculum.
Our curriculum helps students to find the courage to extend beyond their comfort zone in all aspects of life to achieve their best both academically and personally.
Pre-Kindy curriculum
The Pre-Kindy curriculum centres on foundation skills and knowledge to prepare the students for a successful transition into Kindergarten.
Using a combination of the Early Years Learning Framework and elements of NESA's Early Stage 1 core Key Learning Areas, the curriculum acknowledges that play is the best vehicle for early-learning as it provides the most appropriate stimuli for brain development.
The curriculum is delivered by the class teacher, an assistant, and a combination of specialist teachers where appropriate.
Junior School, K-6 curriculum
For our Junior students, we develop lessons in line with the NESA syllabus and their six key learning areas:
- Creative Arts
- English
- Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)
Physical Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
Science and Technology.
We enhance this standard syllabus with extra subjects related to:
- Dance
- Drama
- Language (such as French and Chinese), taught by our specialised, foreign language teachers
- Music and Choir
- Physical Education and Health
- Visual Arts.
Senior School, 7-12 curriculum
We emphasise traditional subjects while offering an engaging variety of electives.
Year 7 Subjects
All students in Year 7 2025 study the compulsory core subjects:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Technology
- Visual Arts
- French and Mandarin (one Term each language)
- Drama
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).
In addition, our Year 7 students will complete one semester of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Integrated Study and one semester of ‘The Big Ideas’, which is a Humanities Integrated Study.
These two courses are aimed at targeting cross curricular learning and the soft skills that are increasingly becoming a requirement in the rapidly changing workforce that our students will be entering in the next decade, including: adaptability, attitude, communication, creative thinking, work ethic, flexibility, problem solving, critical thinking and collaboration. They will also complement the core studies in the Stage 4 curriculum, emphasising the NESA General Capabilities of:
- Critical and creative thinking
- Ethical understanding
- Information and communication technology capability
- Intercultural understanding
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Personal and social capability.
Year 8 Subjects
All students in Year 8 2025 study the compulsory core subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Technology
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).
Students can also choose one language elective from:
- French
- Mandarin.
Year 9 Subjects
Students in Year 9 2025 study the compulsory core subjects:
- English
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics (Level 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
- Science.
Year 9 students can choose three elective subjects from the following list:
- Chinese
- Commerce
- Dance (accelerated)
- Design and Technology
- Drama
- Elective History
- Food Technology
- French
- Computing Technology
- Music
- Physical Activity and Sports Studies
- Photography and Digital Media (this will involve an extra cost for a camera)
- Visual Arts
- Additional Studies.
External Language Study Options
Students, who have a background/prior learning in a language other than French or Chinese, may elect to study their background language in Stage 5 through an external language provider, such as The NSW School of Languages or the Saturday School of Community Languages.
Year 10 Subjects
Year 10 2025 students study the compulsory core subjects:
- English
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Mathematics (Level 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3)
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).
They can choose three electives from the following subjects:
- Chinese
- Computing Technology
- Commerce
- Drama
- Design and Technology
- French
- Physical Activity and Sports Studies
- Visual Arts
- Additional Studies
- History Elective
- Music
- Dance (accelerated)
- Photography and Digital Media (this will involve an extra cost for a camera)
- Food Technology.
External Language Study Options
Students, who have a background/prior learning in a language other than French or Chinese, may elect to study their background language in Stage 5 through an external language provider, such as The NSW School of Languages or the Saturday School of Community Languages.
Year 11 Electives
HSC students take 12 units in Year 11 (excluding extension subjects). The study of English is compulsory. 2025 subjects include:
- Business Studies
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Accelerated
- Mathematics Standard
- Visual Arts
- English Advanced
- English Standard
- English Studies
- Ancient History
- Chemistry
- Design and Technology
- Enterprise Computing
- Health and Movement Science
- Legal Studies
- Society and Culture
- Biology
- Dance (Accelerated HSC Course)
- Drama
- Economics
- French
- Geography
- Industrial Technology - Multimedia
- Modern History
- Mathematics Extension 1 (1 Unit)
- English Extension 1 (1 Unit)
- Community and Family Studies
- Music 1
- Music 2
- Physics
- Software Engineering
- NSW School of Languages
Year 12 Electives
In Year 12, HSC students take a minimum of 10 units. They can choose from a wide variety of 2025 subjects including:
- English Standard
- English Advanced
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard 1
- Mathematics Standard 2
- Biology
- Business Studies
- Chemistry
- Drama
- Economics
- Food Technology
- Modern History
- Software Engineering (UTS)
- Visual Arts
- Ancient History
- Design and Technology
- Enterprise Computing
- Geography
- Legal Studies
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
- French
- Physics
- Society and Culture
- Community and Family Studies
- Music 1
- Music 2
- Mathematics Extension 1 (1 Unit)
- Mathematics Extension 2 (1 Unit)
- English Extension 1 (1 Unit)
- English Extension 2 (1 Unit)
- Music Extension (1 Unit)
- Science Extension (1 Unit)
- NSW School of Languages
All senior students have free access to our Senior Study Centre which runs from 3:30 - 6:30pm Monday to Thursday. Each day, two teachers representing two different faculties are on duty to assist the students with questions and support. Timetables of support on offer are distributed to Year 11 and 12 parents and students each week.
We offer both French and Mandarin.
Your child learns French from Kindergarten onwards and both French and Mandarin from Year 3 until Year 8, after which these languages become elective subjects. French is available as an HSC subject.
In Year 9 and 10, French students have the opportunity to go on a study tour to New Caledonia to deepen their language abilities.
We run a French Club and a Mandarin Club after school for students to practice and expand their language skills.
If your child is interested in a language other than French or Mandarin, they can study through the distance education platform NSW School of Languages at an additional cost.
“We are ever mindful of the need to make our students more curious, more collaborative, more multicultural and more globalised. Our classrooms depict, increasingly, such future orientation. They are places where thinking skills, feedback and styles of learning are incorporated in the daily program.”