Safe and Easy Drop-off and Pick-up
Our Kiss and Drop zone makes getting your child to and from school by car safe and easy. This zone is located within the school grounds so you can do the morning and afternoon school run without stepping out of your car.
If your child is travelling by one of the Pittwater House bus services, students board and alight our buses in the School carpark, away from road traffic.
Roll Call Bus Map
Private bus service
We run a private service of five buses for families living on the North Shore and in the North Beaches who are not served by commercial or governmental transport.
Safe and Convenient
To make it easy for students and their families, bookings can be made in advance or changed using the Pittwater House bus service app, which offers a convenient view of all stops and their timings.
All students using the bus service safely board and alight in the bus zone on the School campus, with Junior School students escorted to the buses by teaching staff each day.
As students get on and off buses, they scan their student cards, which allow staff and parents real-time visibility of their movements via the bus service app.
Our Buses
Bus costs
The costs per trip (including GST) are:
Fare Type | Cost |
Booked Fare | $7.00 per trip This is a flat rate with no discount for siblings. |
Unbooked Casual Fare | $13.50 per trip Note: For safety and capacity reasons we do not wish to take unbooked casual fares. There is a chance that students who arrive at the bus stop in the morning without booking at least one working day prior may be missed and students who get on the bus in the afternoon may put the bus over capacity and require an additional driver to be sought without notice to drive a backup bus. |
Charges relating to use of the school’s private bus services for travel to and from school are billed directly to family's school accounts.
Excursion buses
We have a fleet of five private buses of various sizes, all air-conditioned, fitted with seat belts and driven by our own staff drivers. The Pittwater House bus fleet makes travelling to and from school, on excursions and to extra-curricular activities an easy, safe and comfortable experience.