Posted on August 16, 2010
Pittwater House Pupils Reveal Top Scores
Pittwater House was one of thousands of schools across Australia to be assessed by the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), which reviews reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy levels of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Pittwater House again demonstrated that we are above the State average in the majority of the areas examined across the grades in both the Grammar and College. The individual reports provide information about what the pupil knows and has achieved in the areas of Reading, Writing, Spelling, Language Conventions and Numeracy. It also provides information on how the pupil has performed in relation to others in his or her year group, and against the national average and the national minimum standard. NAPLAN is an annual test that attempts to assess common content drawn from the curriculums of each of the states and territories.
The means of the P3, G7 and G9 results were greater than the State average in all components of the examinations. All College grades produced means that were above the State average. Some of the more exciting results included:
• J3 - 93% in the top two bands for Writing
• J3 - 86% in the top two bands for Grammar and Punctuation
• J3 - 50% in the top two bands for Number Patterns and Algebra
• J5 - 57% in the top two bands for Grammar and Punctuation
• C7 - 70% in the top two bands for Writing
• C7 - 65% in the top two bands for Number Patterns and Algebra
• P3 - 66% in the top two bands for Grammar and Punctuation
• P3 - 66% in the top two bands for Number Patterns and Algebra
• P5 - 71% in the top two bands for Grammar and Punctuation
• P5 - 71% in the top two bands for Data Measurement, Space and Geometry
• P5 - 71% in the top two bands for Number Patterns and Algebra
• G9 - 60% in the top two bands for Number Patterns and Algebra
The Australian Curriculum and Reporting Agency also has provided some useful materials to assist parents in understanding the results
Parents are also encouraged to contact Heads of Faculty.