Class of 2020 HSC Results
We are incredibly proud of our Class of 2020 and their ...
We are incredibly proud to congratulate Year 12 Boys’ G...
read moreWelcome Back to Campus!
It was with great excitement that we welcomed our stude...
read moreOur Virtual Band welcomes students back to Te
Our Virtual Band welcomes our students back to a remote...
read moreFantastic HSC results for the Class of 2019 a
We are incredibly proud of our Class of 2019 and their ...
read moreMr David Heath announced as new Head of Gramm
Mr Heath will commence at the School from Term 1, 2020....
read moreCyber-Safety Evening with Family Zone and yS
To help our students use technology in the safest and m...
read moreOur Junior School Staff Shine
2018 was a great year for our Junior School staff and t...
read moreThe Best of Both Worlds
This Sydney Morning Herald article by education writer ...
read moreFinlay Dennison awarded acclaimed Tuckwell Sc
Every year, 25 Tuckwell Scholarships are awarded to hig...
read morePittwater House student to represent Australi
Pittwater House Year 9 Grammar student, Cameron Peupion...
read morePittwater House student finalist in NSW Inter
Pittwater House Year 10 student, Tanya Da Costa, has be...
read moreDa Vinci decathlon success
Pittwater House competed in the da Vinci Decathlon at K...
read moreLittle Entrepreneurs Club
What do you get when you bring together 14 students age...
read moreDeng Adut urges gratitude
Yesterday Deng Adut, NSW Australian of the Year for 201...
read morePittwater House Launches Book Week
To launch Children’s Book Week, on August 15, Pittwater...
read moreAlumnus Olympic Winner
Congratulations to Pittwater House School Alumnus Shane...
read moreA marine biologist in the making
College student Poppy Fitzgerald has successfully gaine...
read more"Oh the thinks you can think"
Channel Nine newsreader and Literacy Planet ambassador,...
read moreBetina Ferreira Tops State in Portuguese
Pittwater House College student, Betina Ferreira, has t...
read moreGifted and Talented Teacher Appointed 2016
Pittwater House welcomes Janet Lovell to Pittwater Hous...
read moreRussia selected for Youth Science Form
College student, Russia Christensen, has been selected ...
read moreSydney Symphony Orchestra
Students at Pittwater House in Collaroy enjoyed a compl...
read moreShaw set to make a good impression
Pittwater House Grammar School student, Harry Shaw, has...
read moreGifted Students Show Their Smarts at Pittwate
Pittwater House School recently hosted a special progra...
read moreBestselling Authors Come to Pittwater House
Pittwater House Junior School students recently met wit...
read moreAdvanced Boardriders Club
Pittwater House is offering students, in the Senior Sch...
read moreLife beyond school - helping your child trans
A workshop will be hosted at Pittwater House to help pa...
read moreFree seminars with Gunter Swoboda
Celebrated psychologist Gunter Swoboda, founder of "Goo...
read moreNational Safety Awards of Excellence
In October Pittwater House attended the National Safety...
read morePete Evans visits Pittwater House
Chef, food personality and ambassador of healthy eating...
read more'Canberra Cup' victory
Grammar student Harry Shaw has enjoyed another busy and...
read moreWorld premiere of one-man opera
Pittwater House teacher, Jim Coyle, staged his world pr...
read moreAlumni create robotic sofa
Former students Steph McArthur and Fred Westling's new ...
read more'Student Leadership' celebrated
It is rare that someone can claim to have spent part of...
read moreRecognition as professional composer
Pittwater House music teacher, Jim Coyle has been offer...
read moreFuneral Details for Ashley Wren
The funeral service for Ashley Wren is being held at Pi...
read moreStudents meet Prime Minister
Head Prefects Claire Lanceley and Sebastian Davies-Mill...
read moreHarry Shaw makes National Youth Water Polo Te
Harry Shaw, our Grammar 10 student, has been selected t...
read moreMax Garling's Team Wins at State Nippers Carn
Congratulations to Max Garling (P6), who on Saturday 1 ...
read moreFormer student sings opera
Adam Player, who is a former Pittwater House Grammar Sc...
read morePittwater House supports Fiji Oz
Through the generosity of the Pittwater House School pa...
read moreJayke Rees - Olympic Games Hopeful
Pittwater House Year 12 student Jayke Rees has continue...
read morePittwater House Student Treks Kokoda
The Harbord Diggers recently sponsored Year 11 student ...
read moreGeneral Excellence - October/November 2013
English Results Students from Years 7 to 11 recently sa...
read moreStudent Welfare at Pittwater House
Pittwater House is focussed on the Pastoral Care of stu...
read morePittwater House appoints Head of Grammar
Pittwater House has appointed a new Head of Grammar, Mr...
read moreSporting Success - October/November 2013
Surf Life Saving Congratulations to Courtney Halford (Y...
read moreGeneral Excellence - August 2013
Debating With the Regional Debating competition complet...
read moreSporting Excellence - August 2013
Karate This month, the GKR (Karate) World Cup, a bienni...
read moreGeneral and Sporting Excellence - September/O
Water Polo Teams are Champions Pittwater House received...
read moreGeneral Excellence - Term 2, 2013
Northern Beaches Eisteddfod Rebecca Williams from Year ...
read moreSporting Success - July 2013
Australian National Junior Olympic Hopes Team Announcem...
read moreSporting Excellence - Term 1, 2013
The first term of the year has seen Pittwater House stu...
read moreGeneral Excellence - Term 1, 2013
Robotics Year 11 student James McArthur is a member of ...
read morePittwater House brings home the Trophies at I
HICES Swimming Carnival This month, 35 students from Ye...
read moreChristmas at Pittwater House
To celebrate Christmas Pittwater House students from th...
read moreJunior Female Life Saver of the Year - Northe
Pittwater House School student, Courtney Halford (Year ...
read moreHSC: Best Performing Independent School on No
Pittwater House remains the best performing independent...
read moreSporting Success October/November 2012
Surf Life Saving Isaac Smith (Year 8) attended a recen...
read moreGeneral Excellence - October/November 2012
Film School Mitchell Anderson (Year 12) was recently ac...
read moreSporting Success - August/September 2012
AICES Rising Star Grant - Pascalle Casey Pascalle Casey...
read moreGeneral Excellence - August/September 2012
Science - UNSW National Science Competition In Term 2 ...
read moreSporting and General Excellence - June/July 2
Surf Lifesaving Annastasia Loucks has been awarded the ...
read moreOne of Australia's Best Primary Schools
Pittwater House Junior School was ranked 38th in the to...
read moreNew Appointment - Girls' College
Pittwater House is delighted to announce the appointmen...
read morePittwater House Student competes in America a
In Canada for the Canada Day Regatta at Ottawa was a co...
read moreSporting Success - March 2012
Rowing Robin Molen-Grigull Year 12 completed a stellar ...
read moreGeneral Excellence - March 2012
Robotics James Macarthur Year 10, has returned from Or...
read moreGeneral Excellence - April/May 2012
Surf Lifesaving Congratulations on Jayke Rees on his tw...
read moreDance Troupe Wins Two Years in a Row
Following on from our great success last year our Inter...
read morePittwater House students on top in the Northe
Pittwater House HSC students performed particularly wel...
read morePittwater House Pupils Reveal Top Scores
Pittwater House was one of thousands of schools across ...
read more