Pre-Kindergarten Program
Our co-educational Pre-Kindy program provides a valuable bridge into formalised schooling for our youngest students via a mix of structured play-based, teacher-guided and specialist learning approaches.
This bespoke school readiness program is open to four-year-old* boys and girls and offers foundational lessons that use the Early Years Learning Framework but references the NSW Education Standards Authority's Stage 1 curriculum as its primary source of inspiration.
Pre-Kindy students also benefit from broader exposure to our campus facilities, resources and teaching staff.
Families can choose from our flexible 3, 4 or 5-day per week program during term-time, in addition to before and after school care as well as vacation care if required.
* Before 31 March
A flexible place to learn
Our Pre-Kindy students benefit from a large, bright and engaging classroom connected to their own outdoor playground.
Their learning spaces form part of a larger facility known as the Junior School Discovery Hub – dedicated to our youngest boys and girls from Pre-Kindy to Year 1. Using this flexible environment, teachers can bring students together when beneficial, to enhance the learning opportunities and social experience of our youngest school members.
We invite you to explore the nurturing and engaging setting we’ve created to ensure a positive and comfortable beginning to your child’s ‘big school’ adventure.
To learn more, speak to our Registrar on +612 9972 5789 or [email protected].
Out of School Hours Childcare
We offer our families a Before, After and Holiday Care service, here on campus, so your child can move safely and easily from school to care. This service is provided by Aspire, a provider that has been hand-picked by Pittwater House for their experience and high standard of care. The service is available from Monday to Friday for students from Pre-Kindy to Year 6.
Enquire today about our Pre-Kindy and Kindergarten Programs.
Are you interested in beginning your child’s educational journey with us?
Simply fill out the form below to register your interest. Places are filling fast, so secure your child’s future today!